
Monday 26 March 2018

  1. I show my teacher respect by following the rise values.R is for Respect.Respect is a positive feeling or action shown towards someone or something considered important.I is for Integrity.Integrity means to respect and do the right thing at the right time.Even when no one is looking.S is for success.Success means to always be on task and focus on your task.Ignore distractions and aim to do your best to achieve.E is for REsponsibility.Always keep in mind to take responsible for the environment and your own property

The reason why we should show rise values in class is so that the student may learn more in class.So we other student may complete their work.Student must follow the rise values because it can help them be mature enough in the future.

Some student find it difficult to maintain the rise values be they are distracted by others.Student must learn to ignore distractions and complete their work.teachers have some easier work for them before giving challenging work

Thursday 15 March 2018

Nathan and Oscars journey to Taiwan

Nathan and Oscar's journey to Taiwan
The main purpose of Nathan and Oscar's trip was to find a connection between Polynesian and all the Islands.They found a lot of mysteries.While on their journey.They discovered a lot of interesting things.They discovered that it was more likely that Polynesians originated from Asia.

.They saw the pattern in the tapa and it was similar to the Samoan tattoo on Oscar’s arm.When they went to Vanuatu.DNA extracted from a roughly 3,000-year-old skull found on the island of Vanuatu reveals that the first people to settle Polynesia came from Taiwan.They discovered that their forebears originated in Taiwan before migrating to the Pacific via Vanuatu and the Cook Islands, for those going on to Aotearoa. On the DNA trail, they meet locals and find striking cultural similarities even in Taiwan where the indigenous people look Polynesian

The Polynesian language is similar to the Taiwan language and it was generally accepted that Polynesians originated in modern day Taiwan and began moving south and east about 4,000 years ago. This migration account is based on the research of linguists the findings of archaeologists.

From my point of view, I think their trip was successful because they successfully came to know where, how and why their ancestors travel from island to island.